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Recipe: Tradewinds Beach Cafe's Popular Aloha Bowl

This month we were lucky enough for Tradewinds Beach Cafe to share a few secrets with us — including this mouth-watering recipe for their Aloha Bowl.

If you don't fancy making your own, head to Dunroamin Beach, on Lake Revetment — where you can enjoy one expertly crafted by the Tradewinds team.

The cafe — which is midway between Sandown and Shanklin — is the perfect spot by the sea to enjoy good food and beach vibes.

One handful of tropical frozen fruits
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 tsbp. of turmeric
Half a cup of oat milk (add very little at a time to get ice cream consistency and add more if necessary)

Fresh fruits of your choice
3 tbsp. of homemade granola

(optional) 1 tbsp. of honey

Shredded coconut
Crunchy cacao nibs
Goji berries
Chia seeds

Enjoy this delicious refreshing and nourishing smoothie bowl all day, every day.


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