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How to Look After Your Skin in Summer

When it comes to beauty routines, many of us tend to be creatures of habit. This is all well and good in terms of being rigorous with cleansing rituals and factoring time for pampering sessions, but when it comes to our actual make up it’s good to be a little more flexible.

As the weather warms up it’s worth swapping out certain aspects of your cosmetic armoury to keep your warpaint as smoking-hot as the sun.

First base

Be sure to cleanse skin thoroughly before applying a light, gel-based moisturiser. This will lock in hydration and prepare your skin for the next layer. If you don’t wear SPF year-round, it’s vital to apply it during months when the UV rays are stronger; and while some foundations boast sun protection, the general consensus is that a separate SPF (of at least 30) and foundation is more effective.

Keep it light

Avoid heavy foundations and opt for a tinted moisturiser or BB cream instead, preferably applied using your fingertips or a makeup sponge for a natural finish.

If you have any blemishes or dark circles, use a concealer to spot-treat those areas and if you suffer from rosacea invest in a good camouflage cream – often these appear green and then change to match your skin tone, but despite their unusual appearance they are highly effective in combatting redness.

Beautify your brows

As is often the case, things that look effortless often require more prep-work than one might expect.

With eyebrows this means ensuring that the outer lines are clean and that their shape complements your face. Paradoxically, shaping brows can actually make them appear fuller, and investing in a brow tint while you’re getting them threaded or waxed means you’ll just need a little gel to help
them look neat.

Don’t miss out mascara

A coat of mascara can instantly make your eyes look brighter and more awake. Opt for a waterproof formula if  you plan on spending time in the water or sweating and use a lash curler beforehand to give your lashes an extra boost.

Dewy does it

When it comes to blushers and highlighters, look for a gel or cream-based formula. This will enhance your natural glow and stop your skin from looking cakey or dry. A little bronzer will also add to your summer glow, just be sparing with it.

Love your lips

Sometimes it seems we hydrate and nourish every inch of our bodies except our lips. So when it gets warmer, make sure you apply lots of lip balm and if  possible, one that has SPF included. This keeps your kisser plump and soft even in in the driest of heat. If you want a hint of colour, go for a tinted balm or cream- based lipstick.

Spritz it up

Not just your favourite poolside cocktail, a spritz of setting spray after you’ve applied your makeup will stop it from shifting/melting during the day. You can also spritz throughout the day to revive your skin.


Regardless of what you slap on the outside, a dehydrated body will always lead to drier skin, so drink up your water for glow that starts within.

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