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Snacks & Ladders to Offer Team Building Days

With support from the experts involved in Isle of Wight Radio’s Perfect Pitch competition, the Snacks and Ladders team are now offering comprehensive team building packages, along with delicious refreshments, to help increase morale, build trust and improve communication in the workplace.

In a post lockdown world, many workplaces are still adjusting to a new blended way of working. A lot of team members have found it difficult to readjust into a workplace environment.

There is also significant evidence of a decline in workers mental health. This isn't a new thing, but the situation has deteriorated.

o According to published reports, 1 in nearly 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace.

o 12.7% of sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions

Team building sessions are a way to help address this, and to build the team again.

Karen Longhurst, from Snacks and Ladders in Newport, said: “When we were researching the business model prior to opening in 2019, it became apparent that there is a link between board-gaming and an improvement in mental health.

“Over the last few years  we have hosted a number of businesses who have either arranged sessions themselves, or asked us to arrange team building exercises. These have included prominent local businesses, such as Island Roads and Datum Electronics, along with charities such as The Youth Trust and Ellen McArthur.”

Taking teams out of the office can be very beneficial, but also costly to the company.

By bringing a pop-up board game café into a workplace, Snacks and Ladders can offer an in-house solution to the problem. By encouraging employees to play table games together you can expect:

o Increased employee morale

o Improved problem solving skills

o Increased innovation

o Less burnout

o Improvements in collaborative working

o Better communication

In addition to improved productivity and morale, there are proven health benefits from table-top gaming.

A 20-year-long study in south-western France showed people who engaged in tabletop gaming had a 15% lower risk of developing dementia.

Gaming is a positive distraction, giving screen-free time. Playing games releases endorphins, the feel good hormone, and laughing to a game reduces cortisol in your body, helping to ease stress and anxiety.

By providing this alongside a nutritious food option, things the team would probably not bring in for themselves, will also contribute to employee wellbeing and productivity.

“You know we can bring success to the table in-house, so imagine how well we can bring the thrill of board games directly to your workplace,” said Karen, after five very successful years on Newport’s Upper St James’ Street.

“With fabulous food and drinks, your team will benefit from a complete Snacks experience, without leaving the building.

“As a longer term goal, we are also intending to franchise the model for businesses off the Island.”

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