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Supermarkets Are Already Selling Easter Eggs - And We Asked Them Why

Monday, 2 January 2023 09:21

By (C) Sky News: Sarah Taaffe-Maguire, business reporter

Supermarkets have begun selling Easter eggs in December despite Easter not taking place until 9 April this year, citing the desire for customers to buy ahead of time.

Major retailers including Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Waitrose have launched Easter confectionary ranges, prompting social media posts of disbelief.

Even before the new year, shelves with a variety of eggs were on display in major supermarkets.

While some customers were amused and posted pictures of egg purchases, others were outraged.

Supermarkets have said it's nothing out of the ordinary.

When asked why and when exactly Easter egg sales began, if there have been complaints and what sales figures have been like, Sainsbury's said:

"Each year we stock some seasonal products in advance of the main holiday period. This is because some customers like to buy gifts and longer life items in plenty of time, or treat themselves early."

Tesco too said the reason was because consumers like to buy ahead of time.

"It's a few weeks until customers are able to choose from our full range of Easter products," a spokesperson said. "However, we know some of our customers like to buy their eggs early, so we have started selling a small selection in some of our stores."

Among the released eggs are new products including salted caramel creme eggs, mini egg white chocolate bars and strawberry Lindt gold bunnies.

Waitrose, Morrisons and Asda have also been contacted for comment.

Sky News

(c) Sky News 2023: Supermarkets are already selling Easter eggs - and we asked them why

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