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Research Shows Chocolate Could Be Good For Our Eyes

Easter is almost here which means many people will be indulging in chocolate eggs.

While we all know too much fat and sugar is bad for our health – there can be some benefits to chocolate in moderation. And, when it comes to our eyes, dark chocolate is best.

Giles Edmonds, Specsavers clinical services director, explains:

"As dark chocolate has higher proportions of cocoa in it, it is a much better alternative to milk and white varieties.

"Although often still high in sugar and fat, when eaten in moderation it can be a good source of iron, copper, magnesium, zinc and also offers a range of antioxidants, flavonoids and flavone, which can be of benefit to eye health.

"Other research suggests that flavonoids within dark chocolate can help lower oxidative stress, which can help protect the eyes from damage. And copper, which is also found within dark chocolate, has also been shown to help protect against optic nerve damage."

While evidence suggests there are some health benefits to be had with chocolate, it is important to maintain a well-balanced and healthy diet to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs.

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