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Five Must-Play Songs At Every Halloween Party

Halloween, with its eerie ambiance and spooky festivities, is the perfect occasion to crank up the music and set the mood for a night of fun and frights.

Whether you're hosting a costume party, a haunted house gathering, or simply want to infuse a little more thrill into your evening, the right playlist is essential. To ensure your Halloween party is a hit, here's five must-play songs that will set the perfect spooky atmosphere...

1. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson

No Halloween playlist is complete without Michael Jackson's "Thriller". This iconic track is synonymous with the holiday, and its eerie sound effects and Vincent Price's haunting narration make it a thrilling choice. The iconic music video featuring the zombie dance is also a great addition to your Halloween party visuals.


2. "Monster Mash" - Bobby Pickett

"Monster Mash" is a Halloween classic that's been enjoyed for generations. Bobby Pickett's playful lyrics and catchy tune make it a must-play song to get your guests in the spirit of the season. It's a fun, light-hearted track that's perfect for dancing and singing along.


3. "This Is Halloween" - Danny Elfman

For a touch of Halloween spookiness, you can't go wrong with "This Is Halloween" from Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Danny Elfman's eerie yet whimsical composition captures the essence of Halloween with lyrics that describe the eerie world of Halloween Town. It's a perfect choice for setting a slightly creepy but still entertaining mood at your party.


4. "Ghostbusters" - Ray Parker Jr.

"Who you gonna call?" A Halloween party wouldn't be complete without the Ghostbusters theme by Ray Parker Jr. It's a catchy, upbeat song that's sure to get everyone singing along and dancing. Plus, the supernatural theme of the song fits perfectly with the Halloween spirit.


5. "Time Warp" - The Rocky Horror Picture Show

If your Halloween party has a touch of the bizarre and unconventional, "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show is an absolute essential. This song is not only fun to dance to but also invites guests to join in on the iconic dance moves. It's a quirky and unforgettable addition to your Halloween playlist.


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