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Five Fashion Icons Of The 1980s

The 1980s were a time of bold fashion choices, characterized by vibrant colours, oversized silhouettes, and a fearless sense of self-expression. This iconic era produced a slew of fashion icons who left an indelible mark on the industry - here's five of our favourites...

1. Madonna:

Madonna, often referred to as the "Queen of Pop," not only ruled the music charts but also dominated the fashion scene in the 1980s. With her layered lace, fingerless gloves, and crucifix jewellery, she popularized the "Material Girl" look. Madonna's style evolved throughout the decade, from the punk-inspired looks of her early years to the glamorous, '80s power suits of her "Like a Virgin" era. Her ability to reinvent herself made her a true fashion chameleon and a lasting style icon.


2. Prince:

Prince, the enigmatic musical genius, was equally influential in the fashion world. His flamboyant and gender-bending style challenged traditional norms. Whether he was rocking ruffled shirts, high-waisted pants, or extravagant, embellished blazers, Prince's unique fashion choices were as boundary-pushing as his music. His iconic purple outfits and bold accessories continue to inspire artists and fashionistas today.


3. Cyndi Lauper:

Cyndi Lauper, known for her hit song "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," was a fashion trailblazer in the 1980s. Her quirky and colourful style featured a mishmash of patterns, layers, and accessories, often topped with her signature flamboyant hats. Lauper embraced individuality and encouraged others to do the same, becoming an icon of eccentric, DIY-inspired fashion during the decade.


4. Michael Jackson:

Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop," was not only a musical phenomenon but also a fashion icon of the 1980s. His style evolved dramatically during the decade, from the iconic red leather jacket in the "Thriller" music video to his military-inspired jackets and sparkling gloves. Jackson's distinctive fedora hat, aviator sunglasses, and high-water pants with white socks became synonymous with his image. His innovative fashion choices influenced not only the music industry but also streetwear and urban fashion, leaving an enduring impact on pop culture.


5. Princess Diana:

While not a pop star, Princess Diana's fashion choices during the 1980s captured the world's attention. Her timeless elegance and grace were perfectly reflected in her wardrobe. From her romantic wedding gown with its extravagant train to her tailored power suits and iconic "Diana cut," she set trends and became a global style icon. Her fashion legacy continues to inspire modern royal fashion and classic elegance.

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