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Five Fab Snacks Perfect For Bonfire Night

If you're planning to host a Bonfire Night gathering or simply want to enjoy some cosy treats on a chilly evening, we've got you covered. Here are five fabulous snacks that are perfect:

1. Toffee Apples:

Toffee apples, also known as candy apples, are a quintessential Bonfire Night treat. These crisp, sweet, and slightly sticky delights are made by dipping fresh apples into a glossy toffee coating. They are not only a tasty snack but also a lot of fun to make. You can customize them with colourful sprinkles or chopped nuts for added crunch.


2. Parkin:

Parkin is a traditional Bonfire Night cake originating from Northern England. This gingerbread-like cake is made with ingredients like oatmeal, treacle, and ginger, resulting in a moist and flavourful treat. Parkin is often enjoyed alongside a warm cup of tea or a toasty mug of hot chocolate.


3. Jacket Potatoes:

A staple at many Bonfire Night gatherings, jacket potatoes are both hearty and versatile. These baked potatoes are typically wrapped in foil and cooked in the bonfire's embers or in the oven. Once they're cooked to perfection, you can top them with various fillings like butter, cheese, beans, sour cream, or even chili for a filling and savoury snack.


4. Sausages on a Stick:

For a savoury snack that's easy to prepare and enjoy around the bonfire, consider making sausages on a stick. Thread your favourite sausages onto wooden skewers and cook them over the open flames. The smoky, slightly charred flavour of the sausages pairs perfectly with a tangy dipping sauce, such as mustard or barbecue sauce.


5. Roasted Chestnuts:

Roasted chestnuts are another classic Bonfire Night treat that adds a touch of nostalgia to the celebration. Simply score the chestnuts, roast them over the bonfire or in the oven, and enjoy their warm, earthy flavour. Their comforting aroma and taste make them a delightful snack for both kids and adults.


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